(617) 320-3711 vnapier@vdnlaw.com

When one finds himself in need of immigration services, several questions often come to mind. These include:  “Do I really need an immigration lawyer? Can’t I just get all the information online and do it myself?  Why do I have to pay all this money to a lawyer when I can do it myself?” Unfortunately, I have come across many clients who, in an attempt to save money, tried to complete certain immigration papers on their own, only to end up creating more trouble for themselves. The U.S. immigration system is very complex. The laws are often incomprehensible to those without a legal background. Yes, there are many forms that are straightforward and easy to complete. However, most forms still require the knowledge and skills of an immigration lawyer. In my opinion, there are three reasons why the decision to hire an immigration lawyer may be one of the best decisions one could ever make.

Reason # 1  – A Skilled Immigration Lawyer Can Save You Money

I know, the thought of spending money to save money is unthinkable for some, but believe me, hiring an immigration lawyer to handle your case from the beginning can actually save you money. In my practice, I have come across many clients who come to my office after their petitions have been denied. Many of those people decided to complete the applications on their own or to hire a non-lawyer to complete the paperwork in attempt to save money. It is important to know that USCIS will reject any application that is not properly completed or that does not include all the necessary documents. Sometimes a minor mistake on the application can result in a denial. Sadly, USCIS does not issue refunds for denied applications, and if you want to reapply, you have to resubmit the entire fee along with the application. In cases where the application fee alone is over $1,000.00, it’s as if you just threw away $1,000. You work very hard for your money, and you may have spent months saving to gather the funds for the application. Losing all that money can be very painful, especially when there’s a chance that the loss could have been avoided.

Reason # 2 – A Skilled Immigration Lawyer Can Salvage your Case

In many instances, losing the money paid toward an application fee is the least of one’s concerns when dealing with the consequences of a denied petition. Many often find themselves in removal proceedings, a problem which could have been avoided entirely if that person had consulted an immigration lawyer from the beginning. On numerous occasions, I have come across clients who filed certain petitions that they never qualified for simply because a non-lawyer advised them to do so, or a friend applied for the same benefit and was granted legal status. In the end, this person ends up with a denied petition, facing removal proceedings, with no possible relief in sight. When it comes to immigration matters, knowing what you qualify for is the most important factor. Everyone’s situation is different. Just because your friend from the same country was granted a certain benefit or relief does not mean you are eligible for the same benefit/relief. This is especially true when it comes to asylum cases.  Asylum cases are often handled on a case by case basis. A friend from the same country with a similar background and experience may convince a judge to grant him or her asylum whereas your case, supported by similar facts and evidence, may result in a denial. One minor mistake may result in a final order of removal. So, why risk it?

Reason # 3 – A Skilled Immigration Lawyer Can Provide Peace of Mind

Lastly, when dealing with immigration issues, one can never be at peace. For those living in the U.S. without any documents, there is the constant fear that ICE will come knocking on the door on any given day, and they’ll be taken into custody. As for those already in removal proceedings, there is the fear that a judge will issue a final order of removal, and they’ll be forced to leave their family, friends and, sometimes, assets behind. These concerns often lead to insecurity, anxiety and many other psychological problems. Trying to make sense of immigration laws in order to present your best case to a judge will only add to your fears and anxiety. Hiring a skilled immigration lawyer may not guarantee that you will win your case, but it will relieve some of your worries and will certainly save you some time and energy. Lawyers who are familiar with immigration laws and regulations will know from the onset what avenue to pursue, and they will be able to tell you exactly what you have to do in order to obtain the best possible outcome in your case. Yes, I do believe that it is important for clients to understand their case and to be well informed of their situation; however, you should not have to study immigration laws and regulations to defend yourself. Generally, it takes years of schooling and practice for lawyers to learn their trade. Being an effective advocate is not something that can be learned simply by reading a few articles online. It takes time, dedication, and practice. Dealing with immigration issues is stressful enough; don’t add more stress to your life by trying to do it on your own. Hire a skilled immigration lawyer to advocate on your behalf. It will probably be one of the best decisions you make.

To learn more, visit us at bostonimmigrationsolutions.com.