(617) 320-3711 vnapier@vdnlaw.com

Estate planning is often seen as a concern for older individuals or those with substantial wealth. However, young couples embarking on their life journey together should also prioritize estate planning to protect their assets, ensure their wishes are honored, and safeguard their loved ones in unforeseen circumstances. Here’s a comprehensive guide tailored to the needs of young couples:

Understanding the Basics

Estate planning involves more than drafting a will. It encompasses various legal tools and strategies to protect assets, specify beneficiaries, and plan for potential incapacitation or death.

Start with a Will

A will is the cornerstone of any estate plan. It outlines how you want your assets distributed and who will oversee this process after your passing. For young couples, a will becomes especially crucial if you have children or specific wishes regarding property distribution.

Designate Power of Attorney

Both financial and healthcare powers of attorney are vital components of estate planning. Designate someone you trust to make financial and medical decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated and unable to do so.

Beneficiary Designations

Review and update beneficiary designations on retirement accounts, life insurance policies, and other assets. Ensure they align with your current circumstances and desired beneficiaries.

Guardianship for Children

If you have children, appoint guardians in your will to care for them in case something happens to both parents. This decision should be made after careful consideration and open discussion with potential guardians.

Trusts: Consider Your Options

Depending on your financial situation and goals, establishing a trust might be beneficial. A trust allows for asset management and distribution according to your specific instructions, potentially avoiding probate and providing more control over asset distribution.

Digital Estate Planning

In today’s digital age, consider your digital assets. Develop a plan for managing and accessing online accounts, social media, and digital assets in case of incapacity or death.

Regular Reviews and Updates

Estate planning isn’t a one-time task. Regularly review and update your plan after major life events such as marriage, the birth of children, or changes in your financial situation to ensure it remains relevant.

Seek Professional Guidance

Consult with estate planning attorneys and financial advisors to understand the legal requirements and develop a plan tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.

Communication is Key

Openly discuss your wishes and intentions with your partner. Clear communication ensures alignment in your approach and avoids misunderstandings.


Estate planning for young couples isn’t just about preparing for the distant future—it’s about securing your present and future together. By taking proactive steps to establish an estate plan, you’re ensuring that your assets, loved ones, and wishes are protected, regardless of life’s uncertainties.